Breast Reduction in Berlin
Even though large breasts are generally considered beautiful, some women’s breasts are so large that they become a burden, physically and mentally. If the breasts are ‘too large’, a surgical breast reduction can provide relief. In breast reduction surgery, also known as breast reduction plastic surgery, the aim is to reduce the total volume of the breast. Such an operation is useful if the size of the breast exceeds a critical size, for example. However, it is always important to keep the rest of the body measurements and the overall proportions in mind during the examinations. Read more about breast reduction in Berlin here.
Breast Reduction:
The Facts
Length of stay in the clinic
1 dayAnesthesia
general anaesthesiaFollow-up treatment
6 weekscompression bra
Resumption of social activities
after 14 daysPains
from 8000.00 eurosWhen is a Breast reduction useful?
- For patients with particularly large breasts that lead to psychological stress
- For patients with sagging, particularly heavy breasts that lead to skin inflammation, headaches, neck and back pain
- If signs of aging or the size of the breast cause psychological stress or lead to problems in everyday life

General: What is a breast reduction?
Even if large breasts are generally considered beautiful, some women's breasts are so large that they become a burden - physically and mentally. If the breasts are "too big", a surgical breast reduction can help. The aim of breast reduction – also known as mammary reduction surgery – is to reduce the overall volume of the breast. Such an intervention makes sense if the size of the breast exceeds a critical level, for example. However, it is always important to keep an eye on the rest of the body dimensions and the overall proportions during the examinations. Read more about breast reduction in Berlin here.
Breast Reduction Methods used by Prof. Dr. Sinis
There are various surgical techniques for performing a reduction mammoplasty. Which method is best suited for your breast reduction in Berlin depends on the individual nature of the breast.
Developed in the late 1990s by the Canadian surgeon Elisabeth Hall-Findlay, this method is suitable for almost all breast sizes and shapes. The skin incision is made around the areola at the transition between the pigmented skin of the areola and the skin (epidermis). The areola is circularly cut around the areola with a cutting die. The advantage of this method is that large areolas can also be reduced in size. In many cases, it is even possible to perform an inverted nipple correction, whereby the inwardly directed nipple is pulled into the desired position and fixed in the mammary gland with sutures. The actual breast reduction is performed by removing a wedge from the lower pole of the breast as soon as the surrounding skin has been removed, similar to a piece of cake. The final result here can be varied depending on the size of the removed breast piece. In addition, after removal of the excess volume, the mammary gland is sutured so that an additional tightening effect occurs. In this respect, this type of breast reduction can not only be used for breast reduction but also automatically for breast lifting.
The advantage of this procedure is undoubtedly that the operation can be performed without the need for large incisions. The scar around the areola fades quickly. Due to the location of the surgical access between the pigmented skin of the areola and the less pigmented skin around it, it is hardly visible after healing. If, however, a breast reduction on a large scale is present, other procedures are more suitable for reducing the volume of the breast.
This procedure is also largely scar-saving surgery. As with all mammary reduction surgery techniques, the nipple is incised with the areola. Afterwards it is moved several centimetres upwards as necessary. The parts underneath are removed after they have been detached from the skin. Due to an almost spindle-shaped course of the incision downwards at the mammary gland, a vertical incision results in a larger T-cut being avoided. Finally, the mammary gland can be repositioned and fixed to the breast wall with a strong suture. This also allows a breast reduction and breast lift to be performed simultaneously. Small excess skin areas occasionally remain in the area of the lower scar pole immediately after the operation, but these disappear in the medium term due to natural shrinking processes. Similar to the Hall-Findlay method, this technique is not suitable if there is a large reduction volume. Very large breasts must therefore be treated in our Berlin clinic with a more complex T-cut.
The T-incision is a surgical method of breast reduction in which the plastic surgeon can remove the largest volume from the mammary gland. In this method, the incision is made as if it were an inverted T with a ridge along the lower pole of the areola and the underbust crease. The excess mammary gland parts are then removed in the gland’s lower poles area. As with all breast reduction procedures, the areola is repositioned with the nipple facing the head after the excess skin is removed. This ensures the blood supply to the nipple with the areola. Only in rare cases is it necessary to place the nipple on the breast as a so-called free transplant. In case of very large breasts that have caused the nipple to fall down sharply, for example. Here the areola is completely removed and then reimplanted and repositioned. Depending on the existing findings and the patient’s wishes, a further tightening of the mammary gland in the form of a so-called ‘inner bra’ can be carried out. This inner bra consists of individual seams on the breast wall that support the gland. This allows particularly large breast to be reduced in size and held in place despite further aging at our facility in Dahlem, Berlin.
The term gynecomastia comes from the Greek and means something like ‘breast that appears feminine’, colloquially known as ‘male’s breasts’. In principle, gynecomastia surgery is possible under general anaesthesia. However, a thorough investigation of the causes is carried out before every intervention: if no triggering cause can be determined or if a drug therapy is not effective, only then is a breast reduction for men with this condition recommended. The result is permanent due to the complete removal of the gland. You can learn more here about gynecomastia.
To perform a breast reduction, there are several methods at once:
In the O-technique, also known as the Benelli method, only a round incision is made around the nipples. This allows for the removal of mammary gland tissue as well as fatty tissue, but the possibilities for shaping and tightening are quite limited. Thus, only a minor breast reduction is possible. However, the advantage of this method is that the scars virtually form the edges of the nipples, thus blurring them and making them hardly visible afterwards.Hall Findlay & I-technique:
In the I-technique, the incision is also made around the nipples and then vertically down to the underbust crease. If the nipples are also rounded and reduced in size, this is known as the Hall Findlay method. With this method, slight to moderate reductions can be achieved. With these techniques, too, the scars usually heal fairly inconspicuously.L-technique & T-technique:
In these methods, the incision also goes around the nipples, then vertically down to the underbust crease, and then in the underbust crease halfway (in the L technique) or in both directions (in the T technique). In this case, extensive breast reductions can be performed and the scars will not be more noticeable than with Hall Findlay and the I-technique.
Procedure of a Breast Reduction at Sinis Clinic Berlin
As with every previous surgical procedure, a detailed consultation is held at the Sinis Clinic Berlin before the breast reduction, in which the possibilities and risks are explained and the exact surgical procedure for the breast reduction is described. The surgical technique and treatment methods are also determined here.
No blood-thinning painkillers should be taken for 14 days before the breast reduction. The patient should also avoid hormone-containing preparations such as the ‘contraceptive pill’. The consumption of alcohol and nicotine should be reduced to a minimum. In some cases, it is even advisable to have a mammography before breast reduction in order to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.
Breast reduction in Berlin is a procedure that takes several hours and is performed on an inpatient basis under general anaesthesia. Depending on the technique, the operation takes about two to four hours. In general, the doctor removes excess glandular, fatty and mostly skin tissue from the lower part of the breasts during breast reduction. It then reshapes the breast from the remaining upper parts of the glandular body.
Risks of Breast Reduction in Berlin
A surgical intervention always carries the small but existing risk of complications, despite extensive preliminary examinations and the greatest care. Patients will be informed about such points in the preceding discussion in our Berlin clinic. In some patients a tumour may be discovered during the operation if no mammography is carried out beforehand. This can turn out to be malicious. Infections, blood clots or the accumulation of wound secretion or lymph fluid also occur in very rare cases in breast reductions. In vary rare cases, a so-called bottoming-out can occur. This causes a large part of the operated tissue to sag downwards and a change in direction of the mammilla-areola complex (e.g. upwards). However, such complications are not the rule.
It cannot be guaranteed with certainty that you can still breastfeed after a breast reduction. Therefore, we recommend that women who really want to breastfeed should wait with a breast reduction until family planning is complete.
After breast reduction, breasts can definitely grow under certain conditions. This happens in a rare condition called gigantomastia, whereby the breast grows continuously. In addition, breasts temporarily enlarge during pregnancy – to varying degrees depending on predisposition. In addition, the breast may enlarge due to fat accumulation if you gain a lot of weight.
Breast Reduction Berlin: Before & After
As a rule, our patients are very satisfied with the before and after effect after breast reduction surgery. You can read a detailed field report about a breast reduction with Prof. Dr. Sinis in this patient’s blog article. Here the patient describes how the procedure has significantly increased her well-being and how the breast reduction has helped her to achieve a better quality of life.
Depending on which surgical technique was used, the scarring also varies. The Hall-Findlay method, for example, results in significantly less scarring than the T-technique. Here the scar is more like an inverted T and therefore a little larger, with the scar also running along the underbust crease. The individual wound healing process of each patient also influences scar formation. Adequate scar care after breast reduction can have a positive influence on the regression of the scar.
Before a breast reduction, you should first and foremost rule out pathological changes in the breast tissue. Therefore, a medical examination in advance is extremely useful – for example, a mammogram or an ultrasound examination.
There can be various reasons for deciding to have a breast reduction. Stagnant skin inflammation and/or head, neck as well as back pain are often a part of everyday life for women with large breasts. Breasts that are too large can become a serious burden – even the choice of clothes is extremely difficult. If severe limitations in work, sports and love life have become a constant companion, there are reasons enough to consider breast reduction. Especially in case of pain, such an operation should be considered as a matter of principle. Permanent damage with chronic pain syndromes, which inevitably arise in the long term due to breast weight, can be averted with the help of breast reduction.
There are plenty of serious reasons to consider breast reduction – both medical and aesthetic.
Medical reasons:
The most common, medical reasons include headaches, neck pain, back pain and musculoskeletal damage. The heavy weight of the chest pulls the upper body forward, causing postural problems and herniated discs. Sporting, but also everyday activities are often severely restricted to almost impossible. In addition, the skin under the breasts is affected: Moisture, heat and friction in the breast crease cause painful skin irritations, chronic rashes and eczema.
Aesthetic reasons:
Large breasts may be highly prized by many men. But affected women often feel uncomfortable with them, as the bust size causes difficulties that other people often don’t even suspect. Apart from medical problems, too large breasts cause many restrictions in terms of clothing. For one thing, it is difficult or impossible to find beautiful underwear, not to mention delicate lingerie. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to look elegant with very large breasts – an unfortunate choice of top or a wrong neckline quickly make for a dubious or even disreputable appearance.
Costs Breast Reduction at Sinis Aesthetics Berlin
We respond to our patients individually in every intervention. In order to ensure the success of the treatment, we have to spend sufficient time and care in the consultation. The costs for a breast reduction, including careful follow-up treatment, can vary accordingly. The costs of the initial consultation always depend on the type and extent of the treatment. In principle, the scale of fees for doctors applies to the consultation hours. Thereafter, patients pay 90 € for the initial consultation with anamnesis, collection of previous findings, physical examination and preparation of a therapy and cost plan. This fee is payable once and will not be credited towards further treatment.
However, if the issue it is regarded as detrimental to the patient’s health, for example, if the female breast is so large that it affects the entire statics of the spine and joints, the costs can be covered by the health insurance company. However, not all breast reductions fall within the scope of the health insurance benefits. This varies from case to case. Further information about the costs and cost absorption of a breast reduction.
Lassen Sie sich von uns beraten: Prof. Dr. Sinis und sein Team sind die Spezialisten für eine Brustverkleinerung in Let us advise you: Prof. Dr. Sinis and his team are the specialists for breast reduction in Berlin. From the first consultation to aftercare, we are always at your side. We will be happy to give you detailed and individual information on the subject of breast reduction in Berlin and advise you on the costs and financing. Arrange your individual appointment today: Call us at 030 92 10 81 75 58 or simply fill out our contact form.
Whether the costs of a breast reduction are covered by the health insurance depends on the individual case. Basically, it must be a disease-related, medically necessary operation – for example, if physical damage is caused by the bust size, there is medical necessity. Typical complaints here can be impairments of the spine as well as the neck area due to the weight of the breast, but also the shoulder area due to bra straps. Ideally, it should be made clear that the breast reduction surgery can be expected to curb the complaints. At the same time, all possible conventional measures to alleviate the discomfort should have been unsuccessful.
If breast reduction is medically necessary, an application can be made to the health insurance company to have the costs of the operation covered. Whether the costs are covered will be decided by an expert opinion of the Medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK) on the basis of the documents submitted. Therefore, it is extremely important to describe the necessity of the breast reduction as comprehensively as possible and to include all evidence of health impairments with the application. Whether the MDK approves the application depends to a large extent on how thoroughly the necessity of the operation is explained. In addition, applicants may be invited to a personal interview. However, there is no guarantee that the costs will be covered. If the application is rejected, it makes sense to take legal action against it – because sometimes the courts decide in favor of the applicant.
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Open continuously from Tuesday 08.00 to Saturday 14.00

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