Gynecomastia Berlin –
Breast reduction for men
Some men suffer from enlarged breast glands. In medical terms, this is called a ‘gynecomastia’. The term comes from the Greek and means something like ‘breast that appears feminine’. This breast change, also colloquially known as ‘male breasts’, can occur on one or both sides. Many affected patients complain of pain in the area of the entire breast as well as hypersensitivity of the nipple. Especially during sports or when moving the glandular tissue, such pain occurs quickly. But especially for otherwise athletic, young patients, gynecomastia is a disease that is not only physically but also psychologically stressful and causes a high level of suffering: Sauna visits are accompanied by a sense of shame, and beach holidays become a torture.
The facts
Length of stay in the clinic
1 day outpatientor inpatient
General anaesthesia ortwilight sleep
Follow-up treatment
6 weeks compression wash,physical protection
Resumption of social activities
from 6500.00 eurosWhen does a gynecomastia surgery make sense?
- In patients who experience an accumulation of glandular and fatty tissue in the chest area during puberty
- In patients who experience progressive development of glandular and adipose tissue as they age
- If being overweight promotes the development of glandular and fatty tissue in the breast area and leads to psychological stress or problems in everyday life

General Information on Gynecomastia Surgery
Male breasts can be reduced with the help of a gynaecomastia operation, when sport, nutrition and hormone preparations are not sufficient. There are various options for this, which are recommended in individual cases depending on the individual findings and underlying medical history. However, it is important to rule out certain causes for gynecomastia in advance.
The very first point of contact for this would be the family doctor. This doctor can start with the examinations and, if necessary, issue the necessary referrals to the specialists. In order to perform all the necessary examinations, various specialists are required: cardiologists, endocrinologists, internists, urologists. Only after that you can refer to a plastic surgeon.
Since gynecomastia is of various types, there are several options to remove it. Pseudogynecomastia is usually removed with the help of liposuction. In the case of glandular gynecomastia, the glandular tissue is surgically removed and liposuction is also used if necessary. The modern, minimally invasive methods for reducing an insignificantly prominent male breast are cryolipolysis and radiofrequency therapy.
Procedure of gynecomastia surgery at Sinis Aesthetics Berlin
Causal research is a complex and multilayered field, especially in the case of male breasts. So before deciding on a gynecomastia operation, a specialist in endocrinology should first be consulted. Because: In general, physiological, i.e. normal changes in the male breast are distinguished from pathological changes. The term real and false gynecomastia are used accordingly.
True gynecomastia is an abnormal growth of glandular and fatty tissue in the breast area. The causes are manifold: Genuine gynecomastia is a symptom based on disturbances in the control cycle of the hormone balance. Both a lack of male sex hormones (androgens) and an excess of female sex hormones (estrogens) may be present. In some cases, even without changes in the hormone balance, the breast gland tissue reacts excessively sensitively to estrogen and thus causes gynecomastia. Another cause can be a disorder in the pituitary gland, which has a decisive influence on the regulation of many of the body’s own hormones. Chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure or thyroid gland diseases can also cause changes in hormone concentrations. Furthermore, side effects of certain drugs (for example neuroleptics, acid blockers) as well as anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids) contribute to the development of a real gynecomastia and make a breast reduction in a man necessary.
The false gynecomastia, also called pseudogynecomastia, is again a natural change in the male breast with increasing age or in cases of severe excess weight. The appearance is similar to that of real gynecomastia, but the therapy is relatively less complicated, as the excess fat of the man’s breast can be easily removed by suction.
Before any possible gynecomastia operation, a thorough investigation of the causes should therefore be carried out by an endocrinologist. If no triggering cause can be determined or if the drug therapy is not effective, surgical intervention is advisable.
The topic of ‘reducing the size of a man’s breast’ is a sensitive issue for most of those affected, which can cause psychological and physical suffering. Therefore you should place yourself exclusively in the hands of a specially trained and experienced specialist in plastic surgery, who has already successfully performed gynecomastia surgery on many occasions. In Berlin, Prof. Dr. Nektarios Sinis has already successfully performed a large number of sometimes complicated and extensive gynecomastia operations.
In the course of a detailed and comprehensive consultation, the surgical procedure for the gynaecomastia is discussed after the previous hormonal clarification. During this appointment we will also examine again whether it is a real gynecomastia or a pseudogynecomastia. Depending on the results of the examination and consultation, the procedure and the duration of the operation varies: The operation of real gynecomastia is performed under general anaesthesia. Access to the breast gland tissue is made possible through a small skin incision around the areola. The gland body itself is removed and the skin is then closed layer by layer. In some cases, it is advisable to perform supplementary liposuction of the male breast. The operation of pseudogynecomastia can be performed under general anesthesia or in twilight sleep. Here, the so-called tumescent solution is first introduced through a small skin incision in the fold under the breast in order to allow the excess fat cells to swell. Afterwards, the fatty tissue is sucked out in a fan-shaped fashion in the sense of normal liposuction.
Before gynecomastia surgery
When preparing for gynecomastia surgery, you should consider a few aspects and exchange detailed information with us. First of all, it must always be clarified whether it is a matter of growth of the mammary gland tissue or just lipomastia (fat accumulation) - real gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia. This requires a few consultations and preliminary examinations, in which both the treatment method and the type of anesthesia can be determined. Especially in the case of gynecomastia, the determination of the cause is crucial for the selection of the treatment. Furthermore, it is extremely important that you inform us about your medical history in order to avoid possible complications from the anesthesia: Have you ever had an operation? Do you have to take medication regularly? Do you have acute or chronic illnesses? Do you have any drug intolerances or allergies? Once all the necessary information has been compiled and questions answered, you will then be comprehensively informed about the possible methods of gynecomastia treatment and their processes. You will also learn about the alternative treatment options, such as cryolipolysis or radiofrequency therapy, if they are suitable for you. In addition, the anesthetic procedure, the hospital stay and the costs incurred are discussed in detail. You can of course share your worries and fears with us at any time and ask questions that may be on your mind.
In addition, your own responsible behavior before the procedure makes a significant contribution to the smooth course of the operation and subsequent wound healing. About two weeks beforehand, it is best to give up smoking as much as possible, since smoking reduces blood circulation, which impairs wound healing — smokers have more problems with wound healing than non-smokers. Taking blood-thinning medication, painkillers or sleeping pills should also be temporarily stopped. The same applies to alcohol and hormone-containing medication. It would also make sense to start with contrast showers and continue after the procedure as soon as you are allowed to shower again - this promotes faster wound healing because your body is better supplied with blood.
At the beginning of each gynecomastia treatment, there is a detailed consultation and a detailed anamnesis procedure with your family doctor, whereby different diagnostic methods can be used depending on the initial situation. Before deciding in favor of a surgical procedure, possible hormonal causes must be ruled out, as an enlargement of the male breast can indicate undiagnosed diseases. For example, excessive drug use is a possible cause of the hormonal imbalance, with alcohol, marijuana and heroin leading the way. In addition, hair and skin care products can cause hormonal imbalances, as they sometimes contain artificial female hormones. In addition, gynecomastia can indicate liver and/or kidney diseases, since these body organs are of particular importance in the hormonal balance. The functional disorders can lead to an excess of estrogen, which in turn promotes the development of gynecomastia. In addition, obesity can cause a man's breasts to develop, since fatty tissue is also important in hormone balance.
In view of the fact that your own hormone production can be faulty, a hormonal clarification by an endocrinologist would make sense. Furthermore, a possible cancer can cause the development of a man's breast. Although breast cancer is less common in men than in women, it is not impossible. Therefore, sometimes a mammogram may be appropriate, which should not only rule out breast cancer, but can also show the structure of the breast tissue. In addition, taking so-called acid blockers can be another cause of male breast enlargement — these are medications for various stomach problems such as heartburn. Taking certain heart medications, antihypertensive drugs or neuroleptics can also promote the development of gynecomastia. In order to find out which medication it could be, a consultation with the family doctor can quickly provide clarity. Hereditary predisposition also plays a key role. It must therefore always be clarified first of all whether there is growth in the mammary gland tissue or whether it is just lipomastia (fat accumulation). Only after careful research into the causes and unsuccessful therapies can a surgical solution to reduce male breasts be considered.
After breast reduction for men at Sinis Clinic Berlin
The follow-up treatment of a gynecomastia operation consists mainly of physical rest for at least two weeks. In addition, patients should avoid sports for about six weeks and wear a special compression vest. Furthermore, in the first days after the operation, the patient should be administered painkillers and antibiotics to protect against postoperative infection.
Complications and risks of gynecomastia surgery at Sinins Klinik Berlin
Basically, the gynecomastia surgery itself is an unproblematic procedure that usually does not cause any complications. However, risks cannot be completely ruled out with such a breast operation - as with any other surgical procedure. Occasionally, primary complications such as infections or postoperative bleeding can occur. However, by taking antibiotics, as well as strict observance of hygiene rules, you can largely avoid this type of complication. The most common complications of gynecomastia surgery include pain, bruising and swelling, which, however, subside after a while by resting and cooling the affected area. Overall complications can be reduced to a minimum if you are treated by an experienced and highly qualified plastic surgeon. In addition, the Sinis Clinic has state-of-the-art equipment and the ideal conditions to be able to carry out such operations with little risk. In general, by choosing an experienced surgeon, many risks can be largely avoided.
Cost of gynecomastia surgery in Berlin
At the Sinis Clinic Berlin, each of our patients is treated individually. This is because gynecomastia is a broad, sensitive and complex field: different causes of male breast cancer require different treatment methods. For this reason, it is not advisable to indicate all-inclusive or approximate prices. The costs of any plastic-aesthetic procedure are the result of many individual factors and can therefore vary according to personal needs. In an individual consultation, the costs for a gynaecomastia operation can be precisely defined and the costs for the first consultation are generally based on the scale of charges for doctors. Thereafter, patients pay 90 € for the initial consultation with anamnesis, collection of previous findings, physical examination and preparation of a therapy and cost plan. This fee is payable once and will not be credited towards further treatment.
Let us advise you: Prof. Dr. Sinis and his team have already performed numerous gynecomastia operations in Berlin. We are always at your side: from the initial consultation, through the investigation of the causes, the choice of the surgical method to the accompanying aftercare, we will be happy to provide you with detailed and individual information on the subject of gynecomastia in Berlin and advise you on the costs and possible financing. Arrange your individual appointment today: Call us at 030 223 899 08 or simply fill out our contact form.
As a rule, the costs of gynecomastia surgery are not covered by either a statutory or private health insurance, since this is usually not a medically necessary, but an aesthetically related procedure. In addition, most cases of gynecomastia are so-called normal variants, which means that the shape of the breast is more or less within the normal range of the male breast. Since every man has a certain amount of fatty and mammary gland tissue depending on his predisposition, the breasts of some men are more pronounced than those of others.
However, if the patient can convincingly prove that he is severely physically and psychologically limited as a result, in some, few cases, health insurance companies may partially or even completely cover the costs of gynecomastia surgery. In this case, all possible conventional measures to alleviate the symptoms should have been unsuccessful. If gynecomastia surgery is medically necessary, you can apply to your health insurance company to have the costs covered. Whether the costs are covered will be decided by an expert opinion of the Medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK) on the basis of the documents submitted. However, there is no guarantee that the costs will be covered.
The prerequisite for this, as already mentioned, is that your psychological and/or physical suffering due to the man boob is too high. Whether your health insurance would cover the costs of the gynecomastia procedure should be clarified accordingly at an early stage.
Open continuously from Tuesday 08.00 to Saturday 14.00
Open continuously from Tuesday 08.00 to Saturday 14.00

Gynecomastia FAQs
In most cases, gynecomastia surgery is performed in one to two hours, although it can take longer in difficult cases. In addition, depending on the anesthetic procedure, you may have to come to the clinic the evening before. In less severe cases or with minimally invasive procedures, an outpatient procedure is also possible.
In most cases, gynecomastia is removed under general anesthesia. If the male breast is not particularly pronounced, the operation can also be performed under local anesthesia and additional sedation. In a detailed consultation, we will discuss all available anesthetic procedures with you individually in detail, in order to find out which of them is best suited for you personally.
Gynecomastia can be caused, among other things, by taking drugs such as alcohol and marijuana or anabolic steroids. In such cases, men's breasts may regress when the use of these substances is stopped. It is therefore essential to first observe whether the reduction in breast tissue is due to the omission of the above-mentioned remedies before a gynecomastia operation is attempted.
Once the causes of gynecomastia have been determined, a treatment method usually results directly from it. This means that the underlying disease can be treated in different ways, depending on the initial situation. As part of the therapy, even male sex hormones can be used directly. If all this seems pointless and also unsuccessful, a surgical procedure to reduce the breast tissue is considered, which can ultimately remove the gynecomastia.
Classic surgical procedures in plastic surgery are increasingly being replaced by alternative, minimally invasive treatment methods. It is no different in the field of gynecomastia treatment. Traditional gynecomastia surgery is just one of many ways to get rid of a man's breasts. In many cases, different forms of gynecomastia can be treated without surgery, non-invasively and gently. Procedures such as cryolipolysis, so-called coolsculpting or thermal radiofrequency therapy can be mentioned here.